About the Team Behind the Show

A Simple Mission

How to Be a Better DM was created for the sole purpose of helping people enjoy D&D more. We want to help people craft unforgettable stories for themselves and for their players as they DM. Many players have never tried their hand at being a dungeon master and through How to Be a Better DM they’ll have everything they need to run their first session.

The primary method for helping people be better DM’s is through the podcast, How to Be a Better DM. The show releases weekly episodes of tips and tricks for Dungeon Masters as well as guest interviews and periodical critiques of actual play sessions. 

We also have a monthly newsletter with extra tips and techniques as well as monthly one-shots where you can play with us or other guest DM’s in a real session. 

Meet the Team

Justin Lewis

Justin Lewis

Justin Lewis is a native of Utah in the United States. He’s lived for most of his life aside from two years in Italy (yes, he speaks Italian). Justin started playing D&D in 2015 and started DMing in 2020. Previous to How to Be a Better DM, Justin hosted another podcast called The Hard Thing Podcast (later changed to Becoming the Hero). He is married and does SEO for full-time work. He is also one of the founders of The Merchant’s Guild which hosts DND events. DND is short for Dungeons, Networking & Dragons which helps business owners network by playing D&D.

Tanner Weyland

Tanner Weyland

Meet Tanner Weyland, one of our hosts on the podcast and a writer for the newsletter. His passion for all things tabletop gaming began six years ago when a friend recommended a podcast that sucked him in, but he has always been open to nerding out. With a background in English, Marketing, and Nintendo (yes, it’s a calling), Tanner looks forward to helping DMs improve their communication and their adventures.